Ten years ago, scientists developed a new method to test for oral diseases, such as periodontal disease. This method is called OralDNA testing, and it enables us to spot these diseases much earlier than we could before and offer treatment that is tailor-made for individual patients.
What’s So Important About Early Diagnosis?
Early detection of Gum Disease overall with help you save your teeth! Your foundation or bone is what holds your teeth in place. Gum disease starts as Gingivitis and if not controlled, can lead to Periodontal Disease. The disease process can become aggressive and over time a patient will lose bone, and more importantly teeth! Early detection is imperative for our patients.
Why OralDNA?
Oral DNA is an accurate result of the aggressive bacteria in your mouth. There are millions of bacteria that flourish in your mouth, good bacteria and bad bacteria. Oral DNA tests all bacteria and the results of Low Risk, Moderate Risk, and High Risk Pathogens that are causing infection in your mouth are identified. Its a quick 30 second rinse that is sent off to Oral DNA lab and we have the results back in just a week or two. Often an antibiotic may be recommended to help the systemic infection in your mouth, including a cleaning to address the Gingivitis or Periodontal Disease concern your Hygienist and Dr have for you.
Get Your OralDNA Results!
If you’re concerned that you might be developing gum disease, schedule an appointment with us so we can do your OralDNA test! It’s easy, it’s safe, and it gives us the most accurate results possible, which means we can give you the specific treatment you need! If you have further questions about how OralDNA works and what it could do for you, just let us know!
We look forward to hearing from you!